Wednesday, October 27, 2004
Political payback?
Note: very important update at bottom of post
I received this note last night from long-time town resident, business owner, active citizen, and good friend Audrey Bragg. I think it speaks for itself.
Date: Tue, 26 Oct 2004 19:11:28 EDT
Subject: Interesting
Hi Sarah and Alan,
Just wanted to pass this on and if you think its a good idea, you can also pass it on.
For the past 5 years the Riverdale Bookshop has hosted the Veterans Day luncheon on Nov. 11. This year it will be at the Town Hall hosted by the Lions Club. [Note in the link who the president of the Lions Club is -- akt]
The Riverdale Business Association is permitted to have a monthly article in the town crier. This month we submitted an article and they did not put it in. (I am the president.)
I believe I am being punished. I know when I spoke to Ray Badders at the Farmers Market he turned his head. I insisted on saying hello Ray. He finally did, but would not look at me.
I had a hard time believing the stories we were hearing that town officials had threatened Fred at the Calvert House when we first started the petition drive. Now I believe it was true.
Update 11/1/2004 11:36pm
I got a note from Audrey today about this. Apparently the article was submitted to the Town Crier a few days late, and the person who just recently took over publishing the Crier enforced the deadline (which didn't used to be the case). Audrey was very apologetic about having raised a stink.
[Links added to Audrey's note -- akt]