Riverdale Park Politics
Thursday, December 09, 2004
Another Riverdale Park political blog!
CM David Hiles has a blog now!

He has some good ideas, and others that need, um, refinement. At least he's taking the time to share them with us so we can discuss them before actual votes happen.
Tuesday, December 07, 2004
Quick Report on 12/6/2004 Town Council Meeting
I guess I shouldn't have had that coffee ;-)

Here's a quick run-down of what happened at last nights town council meeting.

Mayor's Report

Auditor's Report

Town finances OK, CM Kiernan raised some issues with report (in particular about whether moving special assessment money to general fund violated town's tax cap). Auditor will look into issues.

Various Other Reports

Public Comments

Representative from Boys & Girls club trying to figure out what's happening with lease. Town Council seems to be looking at terminating lease. This is a complicated issue, which can't be explained very quickly.

Campaign Finance

Tabled, again. CM Badders "Can't find anything to like in this legislation". Attempts to address shortcomings suggested by CM Hiles shot down by CM Davis and CM Badders.

Beautification Committee Chair Appointed

Anne Marie Larson appointed chair of Beautification Committee. Lots of work to be done by June 30.

Red Light Camera Contract Tabled

As suggested by Mayor in his report (above).

Road work

Town spending a lot of money on fixing roads, laying drain pipes, and having engineering work done on another road project.

Final Notes

Mayor Reports that debt on Town Hall, Police Department paid off. Town should have less than $300k on books at end of year. Many homeowners have more debt than that!!!

There were other items (fences, speed bumps, puddles in the street), but this is my blog, not official minutes.

Wish me luck getting to sleep.

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